Shingles Blew Off House What Would This Dream Mean?!?!?

What would this dream mean?!?!? - shingles blew off house

It started with me and the girl (not know) on motorcycles. She was throwing grenades, not the pin it still does not. but only 1 and pulls the pin. I threw it and ran it exploded. But nothing really except happaned blew a few shingles on a house. Then I went into a house and saw a very good friend's mother. She was the mother of Rob Pattinson (the guy who plays Edward in the Twilight movie. Very Cute!) Mother said she was at work, and I went to your work, I took a bus boy in a shop was delicacies. As his boss, said he went home. He returned to his homeland. he was there and said he lost me. She hugged me and kissed me and said I love you. I'll never let you go. Then we have established. That was the end of my dream. But I was veryy happy! What do you think it means?


B-K Fan said...

you guys are going to break and connect. Rob Pattinson just like you. and have a fight with a girl perhaps not (though) with Grenade ... and the search for a friend

Kennedy said...

This means that Rob Pattinson was probably in my thoughts for a while and then a dream he had. You probably want to love with someone and be in your subconscious. There is nothing wrong with that ... But why is the dream, in love with a very nice guy.

Danielle L said...

Dream with nothing to say!
and 3 of 4 dreams mean something sexual

Dr. Bob said...

No one can interpret your dreams, or say what they mean. Only you can. Never mind those who say they can tell you that your dream means. " It just means something to you because it gives them personal meaning.

Not with dream books, dream dictionaries, disrupt Internet sites that say the search for codes or symbols or hidden mysteries in dreams. Dreams do not contain these things. Dreams are just like your opinion of yesterday.

There is always an end to a dream. All what people think, feel, or do not have a goal. It's part of what Dr. Alfred Adler used as a "psychology" to.

The dreams have not come from the outside, or from your subconscious. "Once you have a dream, was well aware. You make your dreams come true. The creation and create what you think.

The goal of your dreams during sleep is the same as the object of your thoughts while you are awake. It is, to solve their problems.

Figure purpose of the dream and the problem addressed and its importance. Dreams are thoughts while you sleep try to solve their problems.

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